Training & Seminars

Healthy Habits for Men’s Mental Health

This announcement is to inform you that PBCI, in collaboration with the Young Traders Association (YTA) and Young Psychologists Association (YPA), is organizing a one-day seminar on “Healthy Habits for Men’s Mental Health” on Saturday, August 26, 2023, at 11:30 am at Punjab Board of Commerce & Industry.

The main objective is to illuminate the mental health challenges encountered by men and foster discussions to address this critical issue. There is a pressing need to establish an inclusive and secure environment with the goal of dismantling societal stigmas related to men’s mental health and cultivating a culture that prioritizes emotional well-being.

The following experts will delve into the distinctive challenges faced by men in terms of mental health:

  1. Prof. Dr. Usman Hatiana (Director Head of Psychiatry, Rashid Latif Hospital)
  2. Mr. Sajid Hafeez Malik (Corporate Trainer of higher education commission)
  3. Prof. Dr. Ali Sajid (GWU, USA, Tamgh-e-Imtiaz Director, Lahore School of Management)
  4. Air Commodore (R) Khalid Chisti (Sitara-i-Imtiaz Military & Sitara-i-Basalat)
  5. Mr. Max Babri (CEO of Konsultants, Counselling Coach of the National Cricket Team)
  6. Prof. Dr. Syeda Shahida Batool (Former Head of Department, GCU Lahore)

Interested members are warmly invited to attend the seminar on the aforementioned date and time. For further information, please contact the Standing Committee Section, Research & Development Department PBCI.

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